A Rule (or Rhythm) of Life

March 21, 2012 in By Chris, Missional Living

Reflect on this quote:

“A rule of life is an intention to place Jesus Christ at the center of life, ministry and community.  It serves to train us in the ways of Jesus and to remind us who is Lord of our lives.  We can view a rule of life as a tool for shaping our Christian formation and leading us into a deeper relationship with Christ and others.  A rule of life can also give shape to our daily lives, not in a rigid way, but in a life-giving way.”**

Reflect on this one also:

“A rule of life means embracing certain values and practices for one’s spiritual formation.  It should provide structure for many areas of our lives – prayer, Scripture, fellowship, worship, Sabbath, mission, justice, service, sacraments, work, friendship, rest, nutrition, exercise, creativity, giving and so on.”**

Do you have a rule of life?  In what ways are you intentionally placing Jesus Christ at the center of your life?  In what ways is your rule of life, life-giving?

**Taken from Mike King’s Presence-Centered Youth Ministry, p. 151
